Along with the automobile air conditioning air door controller mechanism working principle
2022-05-19 10:39:48   number of previews:0

With the working principle of the air door controller of automobile air conditioning, the application of automobile air conditioning drive system is more and more common, and becomes a key component of passenger car comfort, it can adjust gas temperature, ambient humidity, cleanliness, exhaust volume and wind frequency to ensure passengers in a comfortable natural gas environment under various external climate and standards, as a key component of the air conditioning drive mechanism, the actuator is the tail part of the Electric Control Command of the air conditioner, and the stepper motor is a very important structure. At present, the stepper motor of the air-conditioning damper actuator is divided into two parts, the upper shell and the lower shell. When the stepper motor is installed, a part of the upper and lower shells should be installed with coaxial output, but the axial force between the upper and lower shells is not big during the whole installation process, which endangers the use of the stepper motor. Working principle of air-conditioning shock absorber working principle of air-conditioning Shock Absorber Mechanical Distribution Pump valve knowledge.The actuator is an important part of automobile air conditioning system. The key is to open or close the intake valve of the automobile air conditioning system. The actuator is connected with the air-conditioning wind direction selection knob in the cab, according to the key rotating parts of the actuator motor and the lever, and then connected with the intake valve to open or close the different intake valve. At present, a technical actuator connection means that the actuator lever immediately opens or closes the intake valve according to the support lever or rope. The connection is not smooth, easy to cause the ground stress and the Torque, easy to cause the rope to break or the support rod to break. General throttle actuator is based on micro-motor drive system to drive the gear reduction, and then drive the output transmission gear rotation, output a certain speed ratio and Torque to drive the system arm. The rotating part is operated according to a spring brush mounted on the output transmission gear. The Spring Brush portion of the circuit board determines the viewing angle. There are usually three types of control loops. One is operated by a drive system integrated circuit, the motor is mainly used for throttle mode, the other is to use the feedback working voltage to clearly output the rotation position of the driving gear, the control panel feedback the working angle according to the working voltage value of the spring brush. This type of motor is usually used for mode or temperature dampers, while this type of motor is usually used for new return dampers.

Air Door Controller for automotive air conditioning

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